Gale has been married to her best friend for 45 years. She has 7 wonderful children and 17 amazing grandchildren with more on the way! While her family has always been top priority, ministry for the Lord has also been an essential part of her life. Gale is currently in her 2nd year of Spiritual Direction School at the Cenacle of Divine Providence in Clearwater, Florida.
She has a heart and passion for helping women by journeying with them as they seek healing in their lives. She believes all humans are not meant to just survive but rather to thrive, because in thriving we make our life a gift to all those around us.
Gale attended the Grief to Grace Retreat in July 2018. Although she has received healing in different ways throughout the years, Grief to Grace gave her new tools to receive healing. It was instrumental in helping her look at her whole person, receive healing in her mind, body and soul, and better understand the dignity we possess in Christ. In 2019 she was asked to join the board of Restore Dignity and has had the honor of serving on the Grief to Grace Retreat team.